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Work in Hounslow Schools

Working in our schools is an opportunity to join a local community dedicated to improving the education of children and young people. Hounslow schools are diverse, vibrant and united in aspiring to achieve together.

Results above the local and national averages

We are delighted to say that the overwhelming majority of schools in Hounslow are graded Good or Outstanding by Ofsted (98.6% up to Sept 2024).

Join a community of excelling schools and boost your career with Hounslow today. We offer a range of employee benefits, great transport links and schools are involved in our Workload and Wellbeing Charter. 

Search the latest jobs or join our Teaching Talent Pool today. 

Latest Jobs

Director of Operations

Director of Operations

Location: The Heathland School, Wellington Road South, Hounslow TW4 5JD
Salary: £57,201 - £62,748 per annum


The role of Director of Operations at the Heathland School offers an opportunity to develop your career in an ambitious and outward looking school. Could this be the opportunity you are looking for? 

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Location: Marlborough Primary School, London Road, Isleworth, TW7 5XA
Salary: £96,000 - £110,573 (Group 3, L26 – L32)


The Governing Board of Marlborough Primary School is seeking to appoint an inspirational new Headteacher to lead the school, which was judged to be maintaining a ‘Good’ standard at its last Ofsted inspection in November 2024.

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Education Support Assistant

Education Support Assistant

Location: Oaklands School, Woodlands Road, Isleworth TW7 6JZ (various sites)
Salary: £22,554 - £28,805 / 31 hours per week


Oaklands is an outstanding special school serving the London Borough of Hounslow that provides specialist education to students with severe learning difficulties, profound and multiple difficulties and autism.

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