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Hounslow Workload Charter

The London Borough of Hounslow Workload and Wellbeing Charter is a schools-led initiative, supported by the London Borough of Hounslow and the NEU.

The Charter was launched in 2019 and reviewed in 2021 (post-Covid19 pandemic) and again in 2024. 

The aim of the Charter is for schools to work to meet the points of the Charter to address and improve the workload and wellbeing of all schools' staff, and support effective recruitment and retention.

The Workload and Wellbeing Charter comprises of 5 Key Areas:







Schools who hold the Workload Charter Status Mark should:

  • Read, review and implement the recommendations in the DfE Independent Reports on Marking, Planning and Data as well as take into practical consideration the results of the NEU and Unison ongoing research surveys.
  • Consider and implement the points of the Charter in relation to the school context, Ofsted and local pressures throughout the year, including the national and local situation.
  • Be clear on what Ofsted do and do not expect and how this impacts on all staff.
  • Nominate a Governor and Staff member to be Workload and Wellbeing Champions.
  • Hold a termly Workload and Wellbeing group meetings, encouraging a safe space and open culture for discussion.
  • Work toward and achieve the points of the Charter and continually review to ensure that all new initiatives should be workload impact-assessed as school policy.

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